The months from March to June will be perfect for some butterflying works due to the transition of the monsoon season to a much drier weather. I scored a few interesting species of butterflies in March through some long distance travelling and tons of patience.
First up is this long overdue species which I have wanted to see for a very long time.
Blue Admiral
(Kaniska canace perakana)
Some say it looks like a burned / overcooked cheese.
Blue Admiral
(Kaniska canace perakana)
It was initially on the ground but flew about 50 meters away after I spooked it accidentally.
Blue Admiral
(Kaniska canace perakana)
Luckily it stopped and gave me this one in the 'life time' experience.
It stayed on the same branch for quite awhile until a 4WD drove by and off it went further into the jungle. Hope to see it again one day.
Next one is this 'uncommon' Athyma.
Staff Sergeant
(Athyma selenophora amharina)
(Athyma selenophora amharina)
Apparently this species was seen more frequently in the Northern States especially in Penang. That means it could be a localised species.
It flew down from some trees above our heads to puddle on the road side. So once again I was quite lucky here.
Foraging at the same place as the Blue Admiral is this Black Forester (Lethe vindhya luaba). This is the least common among other 'Lethes".
White-bar Bush Brown
(Mycalesis anaxias senoi)
This 'Bush Brown' is a highland species. You will hardly find them in the plains.
From one hill station, we went to another. This hill station is located in the same district in Pahang but much lower in altitude.
Common Gem
(Poritia hewitsoni taleva)
This is probably the most common Poritia. You can however see them more often up on the hills.
Smaller-Wood Nymph
(Ideopsis guara perakana)
This is another common species in the hills.
Smaller-Wood Nymph
(Ideopsis guara perakana)
Most of the time you will see them flying gently around at mid level like some polka-dot angels but occasionally they do perched.
Bandless Bushbrown
(Mycalesis maianeas maianeas)
This is another uncommon Bush Brown
Yet another Bush Brown!
White-bar Bush Brown
(Mycalesis anaxioides sinoi)
White Dragon Tail (without its two long tails - kena snip off)
(Lamproptera curius curius)
Common Nawab
(Polyura athamas / Charaxes athamas)
Plain Green Palmer / Agavar Skipper
(Pirdana distanti distanti)
Many people are convinced that the above photo shows an A. nox erebus !
But when they see its side profile, it turns out to be a Common Batwing (Atrophaneura varuna)
White-banded Palmfly
(Elymnias dara darina)
I often see this species up on the hills as compared to lowlands.
Lesser Harlequin
(Laxita thuisto)
The least common among all the harlequins. The most common one should be Taxila haquinus.
Finally got my lifer photo.
Dark Posy
(Drupadia theda thesmia)
Despite seeing them a couple of times but always can't get a clear shot until now.
Dark Posy
(Drupadia theda thesmia)
A bonus open wing shot.
Vindula dejone erotella
The Cruiser
Quite a fast flyer.
Autumn Leaf
(Doleschallia bisaltide pratipa)
Horsfield Branded Yamfly
(Yasoda pitta dohertyi)
This is a highland Yamfly.
Plain Puffin
(Appias indra plana)
Here comes a few identifiable Oakblues ! I start with a few which looks like an Oakblue.
Falcate Oakblue
(Mahathala ariadeva ariadeva)
Another lifer !
Acacia Blue
(Surendra vivarna amisena)
Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta
(Broad Yellow Oakblue)?
Major Yellow Oakblue
(Arhopala major major)