Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Butterflies in January 2024

It's the beginning of a new year and I had a great start. Finally I got my bogey butterfly and one or two  new lifers. Weather has been windy and getting hotter by the day. Here are a few shots I have for this month.

Eyed Cyclops

(Erites argentina delia)

Cyclops has been in my wish list for a very long time. Friends have been telling me that I can find them here and there but usually I would come home empty. This one was shot at a forest reserve area in Selangor. When I first saw it, I thought it was just a Ypthima or a Bushbrown due to its light brown colour. I had a second chance to look at it when it stop briefly at almost ground level. 

Here is my lifer. 

I believe it is an Acerbas anthea anthea.

White Palmer

(Acerbas anthea anthea)

It looks like a Flat but it's not. 

I can't get any better photos due to its skittish self but I was indeed lucky that it stopped for a moment for a few shots.

Malayan Zebra

(Graphium delessertii delessertii)

Malayan Zebra

(Graphium delessertii delessertii)

So happy that it allowed me to get very close.

It was seen puddling with several other species. Here is an Eurema andersonii (Anderson's Grass Yellow) in front of it.

Here is another possible lifer if its ID is correct.

Oblique-branded Dart

(Potanthus rectifasciatus)

Striped Green Palmer

(Pirdana hyela rudolphii)

I still haven't got a nice clear photo of this species. This one was shot from a distance.

Great Saturn

(Zeuxidia aurelius aurelius)

Despite its big size, it can still manage to play hide-and-seek with me in between those vines and leaves.

Scarce Saturn

(Zeuxidia doubledayi doubledayi)

As its name suggest, it is quite scarce due to its secretive habit. But due to its size you can still spot them when they fly around.

Great Swift

(Pelopidas assamensis)

Fulvous Pied Flat 

(Pseudocoladenia dan dhyana)


Dark Hedge Blue

(Plautella cossaea pambui)

I think this could be a Norman's Oakblue

(Arhopala normani)

Sullied Sailor

(Neptis soma pendleburyi)

Moore's Wight

(Iton semamora semamora)

Moore's Wight

(Iton semamora semamora)

I think this species is not very rare but you can only see them once awhile.

Moore's Wight

Here it is - sampling the flowers of  Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata)

White-tipped Palmer 

(Lotongus calathus calathus)

This is the only my 2nd time seeing this species.

Dark Evening Brown

(Melantis phedima abdullae)

White Cerulean

(Jamides pura pura)

This looks like a male Malayan Viscount (Tanaecia pelea pelea)

                                          Common Gem                                            
         Poritia hewitsoni taleva (Corbet)          

Autumn Leaf
(Doleschallia bisaltide continentalis)

Autumn Leaf
(Doleschallia bisaltide continentalis)

Laying eggs on a Chinese Violet plant.

Finally, according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, this year would be the dragon year.

Is this a coincidence that we saw one caterpillar which has head like a dragon?

This is a caterpillar of a Polyura and hope it will bring us lots of luck this year.


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