Thursday, 3 August 2023

Identification of Oakblues (July 2023)

Oakblues or scientifically called Arhopala are one of the most intriguing and beautiful butterfly species. Their mostly bluish-purple and sometimes greenish upperside can be a sight to behold. However, most of the time these species of butterflies would seldom show their open-wing and identification of them from their underside (UN) is a challenge for many of us. Nevertheless, I have tried my best level to identify the following Arhopalas based on a few pertinent features and at the same time comparing other 'confirmed' photos available from the net. No matter how diligently I have tried, I must admit that I can still be wrong with their ID.

There are what I think six important features (A - F) which can be used to identify the species.

So based on the above features, I have identified what I think should reflect their respective species. All of them were seen in July 2023.

The above is a Vinous Oakblue (Arhopala athada athada).

It would makes things easier if you can remember the colors of the upperside. All the Arhopala photos taken here have bluish colour on their upperside.

Another shot of the Vinous Oakblue.

Next one is quite a commonly seen Arhopala I believe.

This one looks like a Major Yellow Oakblue (Arhopala major major). 

It looks like we got a 'seahorse' there.

This one looks more like a Broad Yellow Oakblue (Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta)

Broad Yellow Oakblue (Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta)

Arhopala kurzi 

Arhopala kurzi 

apparently it has no common name at the mo.

Another Arhopala major major I think.

This one was taken without a flash light.


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