Thursday, 8 June 2023

The rare and interesting butterflies in May 2023

 The bright sun and heat in May must have gotten over me. Down with cough and fever but yet glad to see more rare and interesting butterflies. 

Clipper (Parthenos sylvia lilacinus)

This female flew down from the tree top and landed right in front of me.

Common Gem - Poritia hewitsoni taleva (Corbet)

This is an uncommon gem.

Dark Bushblue (Arhopala ammonides chunsu)

This is another rare Arhopala.

Plain Puffin (Appias indra plana)

Common Faun (Faunis canens arcesilas)

This would be its typical outlook.

Common Faun (Faunis canens arcesilas)

Yellow-bodied Clubtail (Losaria neptunus neptunus)

This is a deep forest insect which had venture out into the forest edge. It has a very gentle flight.

Yellow-bodied Clubtail (Losaria neptunus neptunus)

So lucky that it stop momentarily.

It hardly stay long on one leaf.

Here is an uncommon skipper. 

This is a Plain Palm Dart (Cepherenes acalle niasicus)

Lurking nearby is another skipper. This one is deeper orangey in colour.

Telicota augias augias (Orange Palm Dart)

Orange Palm Dart

They just love these flowers - Bidens alba

Julia heliconian (Dryas iulia)

Malayan Wanderer (Female)

(Pareronia valeria lutescens)

This Tawny Coster (Acraea terpsicore) was seen about 160m asl - up on a hill.

Burmese Bush Brown 

(Mycalesis perseoides perseoides)

Brown-veined Lancer (Pyroneura klanga)

Brown-veined Lancer (Pyroneura klanga)

A beautiful looking skipper.

Brown-veined Lancer (Pyroneura klanga)


Malayan Grass Yellow (Eurema nicevillei)

Magpie Crow

 (Euploea radamanthus radamanthus)

Magpie Crow

 (Euploea radamanthus radamanthus)

Malayan Baron 

(Euthalia monina monina) - male

Malayan Owl (Neorina Iowii)

Yellow Flat (Mooreana trichoneura)

A butterfly which is rather flat in its colours.

Fivebar Swordtail (Graphium antiphates itamputi)

This is a butterfly which you should spend more time taking its photos - simply dashing.

Plush (Female)

(Sithon nedymond nedymond)

Cyrestis nivea nivalis (Straighline Mapwing)

This is certainly not a Allotinus unicolor. So its ID is still pending.

Chestnut Rajah

Chararex durnfordi durnfordi - female

Once awhile the gods must be crazy and let go the very rare ones for me to see.

This Chararex is huge and it stayed there motionless to get the bit of sun light.

I have to move one toe at at time so as not to spook it but at the end it was eventually spooked and flew gently away.

Banded Swallowtail

(Papilio demolion demolion)

Common Jay 

(Graphium doson kajanga)

This is a much rarer Common Jay subspecies.



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