Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The Flight of Dandy Boys (Laringa castelnaui castelnaui)

One of the best moments of butterfly watching is when we are able to watch rare butterflies flying leisurely around you. Blue Dandy (Laringa castelnaui casteinaui) as entomologist called them are deep forest insects / butterflies. I often seen them only in the morning and by noon they will venture back into their forest homes.

When I first encountered them in April this year, they were in quite pristine condition. Here you can see a small chip in their hindwing.

This was another male. Both were seen chasing each other.

They are both graceful as well as fast flyers.

Sometimes they can be seen doing 'dogfights' high up on the tress.

They hardly land on the ground for puddling. Most of the time they were airborne.

Their underside wings (ventral) is not as striking as their upperside wings (dorsal) as can be seen above and their various photos in my previous posts.

It's not easy to take their in-flight photos due to my limited camera range but somehow I still managed to get some decent shots. 

So far I have not come across any of their females displaying in-flight behavior.

I have only seen two males so far.

Hopefully there will be more of them in the near future !

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