Recently i decided to spent a few hours in the morning at a popular resort located in Pahang, Malaysia. Instead of vacationing up there i have been busy looking at its butterfly population. Here are some of them which i have manage to photographed:
Common 3 Ring (Ypthima pandocus corticaria)
Could this be a Malayan Tree Nymph (Idea hypermnestra) ?
Smaller Wood Nymph (Ideopsis Gaura perakana) |
Reason: it has rounder hind wings
Black Veined Tiger (Danuas melanippus hegesippus)
Striped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber)
Parantica sita ethologa (Swinhoe) - Chestnut Tiger
Chestnut Tiger - Parantica sita ethologa (Swinhoe)
Chestnut Tigers are said to be uncommon in Malaysia but absence in Singapore.
Swallowtail Moth (Lyssa zampa) |
This moth has appeared in abundance in the month of July and it can be found almost every where - near the coastal areas, cities and right up to this mountainous region.
Malayan Jezebel (Delias ninus ninus) |
Note: some of these butterflies may also occur in lower elevations / low land forest.
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