Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia - June 2020 (Part 1)

It appears that the month of June could be the best month to watch butterflies over here. Many were seen during this time and in view of this i shall break up the post into two parts.

In this Part 1 of the post, the butterflies here were seen from early June. Most of them were located at the jungle edge or trails.

There were lots of swallowtails seen lately
Common Rose

These "Common Rose" (Pachliopta aristolochiae) butterflies are slow fliers. Hence one could easily take their photo while they are flying.

Despite their commonality, they are reported as a lowland forest edge dweller. Over in this region, they are represented by the Subspecies "Losaria coon" or commonly known as "Common Clubtail". 

This one (below) is a "Common Mormon" (Papilio polytes) 
The above is a male Common Mormon

This butterfly species are very common in ones' garden. The above is a female Common Mormon.

The next frequently seen butterfly in the month of June is the "Chocolate Albatross"
The above is a male "Chocolate Albatross" (Appias lyncida vasava)

Many of them seem to like this "Lantana Camara" flowers.

Like the Swallowtails, Chocolate Albatross are slow fliers as well.
The above Chocolate Albatross could be from one of those "dry-and-wet" season forms which this butterfly species also features.

I am already feeling the blues.
This could be a Jamides caeruleus (Royal Cerulean) but I will leave this "Blue" confirmation to the experts.

Malayan Viscount (Tanaecia pelea pelea) - female

Last but not least, here is a male "Blue Pansy" (Junonia orithya wallacei)
Apparently "Blue Pansy" are more common in the Northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. It has been recorded from the state of Perak, Penang and Kedah. The above Pansy was seen near a beach in Kedah.  

Stay tune for Part 2 of the series.

Butterflies of Genting Highland - 2024

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