Saturday, 23 September 2017

Butterflies and Skippers of a Forest Trail - Sept 2017

Unlike in Singapore, there are not many naturalist in Malaysia who are keen in watching butterflies. Watching butterflies are not too difficult but looking for rare ones are a different story all together. It has been raining for the past weeks but when a window of opportunity arises, we need to take whatever chances that comes our way. Here are some of the butterflies and skippers seen in between the drizzle and sun light recently.

Courtesan (Euripus nyctelius)

This was the best photo i have so far of this butterfly species. Wonder how its eyes will look like under an electron microscope ?

Although it is not rare but this was the first time i have seen one with yellow eyes !

Dark Grass Brown

Common Duffer

I wonder whether it was a Great Duffer as i could not see any white forewing spots on the above butterfly.

Horsfield's Baron 
Note: there are a few subspecies for this butterfly species

Lately i have been seeing a lot more skippers in the forest than real butterflies. I wonder whether their population have taken over the butterflies which are much bigger in size and an easier prey to birds? 

Here are some of the skippers seen recently.
Could this be a female 'Dubious Filter' which is rare in this region? or perhaps just a Banded Demon.

Here is a rare occasion where a Bright Red-Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos sindu sindu) (top) is seen together with a Narrow-banded Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos rubecula) on a same leave. Without the help of a field guide, it will be quite a difficult task to identify skippers.

The above photos should be a "Lesser Long-spot Flitter" (Isma bononia bononia).

At times i wonder how some professionals were able to take close-up photos of these skippers as some of them are really skittish like the one below.  Using a 600mm lens to shoot this skipper will be like using a bazooka to kill a mosquito.

This one i believe should be a "Forest Hopper"

I reckon this should be a "Spotless Bob" (Idmon distanti)

The above two should be "Chocolate Demon" (Ancistroides nigrita)

Here is a "Dark Yellow-banded Flat" (Celaenorrhinus aurivittatus cameroni) 

At times our views can be side tracked by other stunning flora and fauna seen nearby. Here are just some of them.

A red hot flower of a wild ginger plant.

Looks more like a strawberry coated jelly. If i was starving in the jungle i would have probably eaten it.

 This bluish colored fly was disturbing me so i decided to take his photo so that i will remember him when i see him again :-)


Butterflies of Genting Highland - 2024

Genting is well known for its resort and theme parks. A very commercialise place with only a few small pockets of forest remaining for natur...