Saturday, 21 May 2016

Butterflies of Ulu Langat Forest - May 2016

Watching and identifying butterflies can be just as tricky as birding. Some of them can be straight forward while some may need your closer observation. Have a look at the photo of the following skipper:

It has dark brown underside and a creamy white band. Your first thought could be a "Dark Banded Ace" (Halpe ormenes). But it was actually just a "Common Banded Demon" (Notocrypta paralysos).

Here it is again from another angle. In bright light, the all black color description associated with this skipper would have distorted the views of some people.

The other butterflies seen in this forest area are more straightforward:

Banded Yeoman (Cirrochroa orissa)

Small Leopard (Phalanta alcippe alcesta)

This "leopard" surely wont eat humans.

Chestnut Bob (Lambrix salsala salsala)

This skipper is however less confusing on its features.

Chocolate Albatross (Appias lyncida)

One of the most common butterfly which you can find in inland forest.

Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae)

The most common 'swallowtails' which you will encounter. This photo was taken while it was still fluttering.

There are not many butterflies seen around lately. Could it be due to the current hot weather or perhaps i was just not paying much attention.


Butterflies of Genting Highland - 2024

Genting is well known for its resort and theme parks. A very commercialise place with only a few small pockets of forest remaining for natur...